Hello there, friend!

As you've probably guessed, I love art! I've been painting and singing for as long as I can remember. In fact, here's a picture of me when I was a little Lauren, very excited to make a finger-painted masterpiece (and probably a mess too 😆).


Before Art With Lauren, I led education programs for the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science, the Boys & Girls Club, and North Carolina State University.

My big dream is to one day turn Art With Lauren into a TV show - think Bob Ross with a dash of music!

What is class like?

Every week we paint something new!

🎵 Warm Up
We start with a warm up. Students practice a technique of the day while I play piano.

🌎 Adventure Time
After warming up, we venture out into the wild to meet our subject of the day.

🖼️ The Main Event
Back in the art studio, it's time for our main event! Your painting doesn't have to look exactly like mine. Each time we paint is a chance to learn something new.

🤺 Art Challenge
We end class with an art challenge that incorporates our theme of the day.

Supply List

Supplies are the same each week to keep your life easy.

📋 Watercolor paper (2 per class)
🎨 Watercolor paint & brush
🌊 Cup of water, small towel
✏️ Pencil, eraser, sharpie, crayons
✂️ Scissors & Tape (painters/masking)
🧂 Table salt & glue
🧹 Clean area for working
🛒 Pre-made Amazon List

So again, the warmest of welcomes!

My hope is that no matter how busy life gets (or how far away classes might be), you have access to an amazing art education and a teacher who cares.

Happy painting, friend!

Ms. Lauren 🌈

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